Mid-Century Modern Treasure Vault
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

Mid-Century Modern Treasure Vault

We'd like to introduce you to this extraordinary organization called Le Shoppe Modern! They're a real mid-century modern furnishing treasure vault!

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NAR Settlement 101: What You Need to Know!
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

NAR Settlement 101: What You Need to Know!

By now you’ve probably heard about the NAR settlement going in to effect this August. It’s probably not what you think. In this video, we’ve put together the 3 most important details about the settlement and how they affect you as a consumer.

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First Night in New Home? Build Your Bed First!
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

First Night in New Home? Build Your Bed First!

In this video, we discuss key considerations for investing abroad, including cultural customs, economic stability, and potential financial gains through currency exchange. We'll help you understand what it takes to make a smart investment decision!

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Investing Abroad: What You NEED to Know!
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

Investing Abroad: What You NEED to Know!

In this video, we discuss key considerations for investing abroad, including cultural customs, economic stability, and potential financial gains through currency exchange. We'll help you understand what it takes to make a smart investment decision!

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Celebrating Medical School Graduates on MATCH Day!
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

Celebrating Medical School Graduates on MATCH Day!

Every year, new medical school graduates learn where they’ll MATCH with their new medical institution. The whole country does it the same day, and it’s a celebration for the graduates, families and faculty alike.

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The Perks and Downfalls of Already Lived-in Homes
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

The Perks and Downfalls of Already Lived-in Homes

Looking to move into a brand new home in 2024? Find Out The REAL Cost of New Construction in 2024. While you may be able to customize it to work seamlessly for your family, the real cost of new construction isn’t always clear. Let Tim walk you through the interior and exterior variables to consider. The Glison Home Group Team has the knowledge and experience to walk you through the process with no hidden costs.

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Find Out The REAL Cost of New Construction in 2024
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

Find Out The REAL Cost of New Construction in 2024

Looking to move into a brand new home in 2024? Find Out The REAL Cost of New Construction in 2024. While you may be able to customize it to work seamlessly for your family, the real cost of new construction isn’t always clear. Let Tim walk you through the interior and exterior variables to consider. The Glison Home Group Team has the knowledge and experience to walk you through the process with no hidden costs.

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The Pros and Cons of Zestimates
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

The Pros and Cons of Zestimates

We explore the realities of using online property valuation tools, like Z-estimates, and understand their main advantage: showing trends in property values. However, these tools lack the depth to provide accurate property valuations because they can't see the unique features and upgrades of your home or understand the nuances of location.

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Buying a Home?
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

Buying a Home?

Ever heard the old joke about the best time to plant a tree? The best time was 30 years ago, and the second-best time is now. This wisdom holds true for buying a house too. The right time to buy or sell your home is now, regardless of fluctuating interest rates. Focus on your family's needs and the long-term benefits of homeownership, such as equity and wealth building. Even if interest rates fall later, you can always refinance, giving you the best of both worlds.

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Mechanic’s Liens
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

Mechanic’s Liens

The Mechanics’ Lien law provides special protection to contractors, subcontractors, laborers and suppliers who furnish abor or materials to repair, remodel or build your home. If any of these people are not paid for the services or materials they have provided, your home may be subject to a mechanics’ lien and eventual sale in a legal proceeding to enforce the lien. This result can occur even when the homeowner has made full payment for the work of improvement.

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Use a Buyer’s Agent
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

Use a Buyer’s Agent

It’s important that you choose an experienced agent who is there for you. Your agent should be actively finding you potential homes, keeping you informed of the entire process, negotiating furiously on your behalf, and answering all of your questions with competence and speed.

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Condominium and PUD Ownership
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

Condominium and PUD Ownership

Builders, in an effort to combat the dual problem of an increasing population and a declining availability of prime land, are increasingly turning to common interest developments (CIDs) as a means to maximize land use and offer homebuyers convenient, affordable housing.

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The No-Cost Thirty Year Fixed Rate Mortgage
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

The No-Cost Thirty Year Fixed Rate Mortgage

There really is no such thing as a no-cost mortgage loan. There are always costs, such as appraisal fees, escrow fees, title insurance fees, document fees, processing fees, flood certification fees, recording fees, notary fees, tax service. fees, wire fees, and so on, depending on whether the loan is a purchase or a refinance. The term “no-cost” actually means that your lender is paying the costs of the loan. All a no-cost loan means is that there is no cost to you, the borrower.

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Avoiding Financial Stress
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

Avoiding Financial Stress

By asking the right questions, and knowing exactly what your needs are, you can find the right loan for you. There are certain approaches that you can take while mortgage shopping that can cost or save you money. It is still true that the better qualifications you have, the lower your interest rate will be. However, there are mortgages available for almost everyone; it’s the interest rates or the down payments that vary.

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Is Buying a Home Still a Smart Plan
Adrian Kizy Adrian Kizy

Is Buying a Home Still a Smart Plan

With the burst of the housing bubble, credit crisis, and millions of foreclosures across the country, you may wonder if buying a home is such a good idea after all. However, it’s important to consider all of the facts. The important message to take away from these events is not that buying a home is a bad idea, but that you must be smart about buying your home.

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